Audra Wathen

a.k.a. MrsBlueRose

Web Developer | Java Enthusiast | Tinkerer

About Me

Hi! I'm Audra Wathen, also known as MrsBlueRose. Professionally speaking, I'm a passionate web developer with experience in various web technologies. I love creating functional and usable web applicaitons that provide a great user experience.

Skill Highlights: Spring Boot, Java, Angular, React, MySQL, MongoDB

Personally speaking, I grew up in the Colorado Rockies and defected to Denver suburbia with the love of my life and our eventual spawn. I love watching movies, geocaching, gaming, exploring nature with my family, meeting friends at breweries, traveling when we can, and hosting get togethers here at home.

What's with MrsBlueRose?

It's easy to spell, easy to say, and easy to remember, unlike my name, which sounds like Andra Watson, resulting in many lost emails sent to a Ms. Watson.


My Cinema List

This app lets you create lists of movies and share them with friends. Keep track of what you want to watch. Make a list of your favorite Sci-Fi movies. Collaborate with friends on what to watch at your next get together. Third party APIs make sure your movie data is up-to-date with the latest releases!

See the github project here. Demo video coming soon!

Contact Me

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